Aceh Clothing Fest, Great Event For Creative Youth Movement

Aceh Clothing Fest, Great Event For Creative Youth Movement - For three days from May 27, Aceh Clothing Fest 2016 managed to lure thousands of visitors. Most teenagers t ook advantage of the event that was held on the Blang Padang’s main road, Banda Aceh to get high-quality clothes in the cheap price. Aceh Clothing Fest, Great Event For Creative Youth Movement Acehnese enthusiasm for Aceh Clothing Fest 2016 from various local brands is quite high. This happens because already become an annual event of the shopping holic from various backgrounds and ages to come to Aceh Clothing Fest. According to the spee ch of MC, t his event for you th especially in Aceh in order to contribute to the local creative industry so it can compete at the national level. This is in line with the theme of "Creative Youth Movement" Aceh Clothing Fest . The owner of a local cloth brand in Aceh Clothing Fest i s expected to show the various types of design in the frame ...