Banyak Island with Exotic Seabird #TheLightofAceh (1)

Birder getting up close to seagulls A bird watcher paradise. Thousands and thousands of Sea-Eagle flying over your head. Seagulls cliffs painted white by the sheer number of birds breeding there. The constant and powerful roar of thousands of Trinil Bedaran calling at the same time. The power of an Egret as it drives and penetrates the water like a torpedo in the hunt for fish. These are all but a few of the things you can experience when watching the birds of the Banyak Island. Birding Aceh: Banyak Island with Exotic Seabird Banyak Island shore is one of the richest bird-watching regions in Aceh. On the shores and islands of the Banyak Seas live a real kingdom birds. This magnificent site, in combination with harsh nature, will leave you in awe of nature regardless if you are a birder or not. White-bellied Sea-Eagle in flight The Singkil’s island was home to the most densely populated bird I’ve eve seen. Even non-birders like me were in awe of the sheer nu...