Meugang, The Way Aceh Welcoming Ramadan

Meugang is a tradition to consume beef or buffalo to be eaten together for celebrate the beginning of Ramadan, Idul Fitri and Idul Adha. Meat ranges in price about $9 to $11 per kg depending on the diet and quality. Aceh People Conduct Meugang To Welcome Fasting Month Ramadan month special considered for the people of Aceh, they do some preparation in welcoming the arrival of this month. Acehnese t raditional celebration preparing for the beginning of Ramadan is slaughters animals like cow and buffalo. The meat will be sold at the market or consumption by its own. This kind of activity in Acehnese known as meugang or makmeugang is an important day for the people of Aceh. On that day, people get together with their families to eat meat to fortify themselves for the following month of fasting. Appeared in daily life, meugang tradition is like obligated for the people of Aceh. Meugang tradition embodied by preparing dishes and cereal offering that variegated. Menu ...