Friday Acehnese Language: Household Appliances Words

Have you visited Aceh province? Surely you will hear locals speaking in aceh. While visiting the home of the people of aceh the following term will often be heard. Now, here is the Acehnese vocabulary for you to put to those little wonders. I wrote an example conversation as at home on the bottom of the this article. Friday Acehnese Language: Household Appliances Family Words English Acehnese Bathroom Kama manoe Bed Peuratah Chair Kurusi Closet Mari Comb Sugot Door Pintoe DrawString waist Taloe keuieng Floor Aleu Flowers Bungoeng Glass Glah8 Grass Naleung Hijab Jeuleubab Home Rumoh Hours Jeum Irons Gosok Kitchen Dapu Leun Halaman Mattress Kaso Mirror Ceureumen/kaca lhoh droe Pants Siluweu ...